Juicy and Scrumptious…
Cherries are juicy and in season. The two different types of cherries are: tart/sour and sweet. No matter which cherry you pick, they are full of fiber, antioxidants, vitamin C, and melatonin. They are also fun to eat when you pop these colorful treats off the stem, search out the seed and see how far you can shoot it through your tongue. All this and nutritious too!
The benefits cherry’s offer are:
- Antioxidants due to the anthocyanins and cyanindin substances and polyphenols. Sweet cherries have quercetin a potent antioxidant.
- Fiber for digestion and bowel movements, plus vitamin C, K, B-6, A, beta carotene and carotenoids.
- Minerals such as potassium, copper, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc.
- Metabolic process support by reducing uric-acid-forming crystals in joints
- Providing melatonin which is vital for sleep and cellular regeneration
- Containing anti-inflammatory compounds
- Improving heart health and triglycerides, while phytosterols lower the “bad” cholesterol.
- Reducing belly fat – especially tart cherries
- Reducing muscle pain and damage during strenuous exercise
- Tart cherries may specifically activate of PPAR (peroxisome proliferator activating receptors) in the body’s tissues
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So What are the health benefits?
- help fight disease
- play a role in cancer prevention
- reduce inflammation
- reduce risk of gout
- reduce oxidative stress
- improve digestion and aid in weight loss
- improve sleep
- reduce arthritis and osteoarthritis pain & inflammation
- reduce post-exercise muscle pain
- lower the risk of stroke
Ways to consume cherries:
- Eat cherries whole
- Juicing maximizes the benefits for gout
- Add to baked goods
- Slice into fruit salads
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