Activated Charcoal – What For?

The use of Activated Charcoal seems to be a “good idea” for many people these days. So, let’s look at the facts so we can all be better informed as to when it really is a “good idea” and when it is a “bad idea”.

First, What Is Activated, Food-Grade Charcoal?

  • Heating of carbon-rich materials to very high temperatures, such as wood, peat, coconut shells & sawdust.
  • This process reduces the pore size, making more holes in each molecule.
  • Most frequently produced by heating coconut shells to extremely high temperatures until carbonized. The ash is processed with steam or hot air at high temperatures to produce a “microporous structure” or “sponge”.

Activated Charcoal is most frequently taken as capsules or powder in beverages or food.

More easy-to-use information: Intestinal Health ~ A Practical Guide to Complete Abdominal Comfort

It’s important to know that the medical community has only approved activated, food-grade charcoal for the emergency treatment of overdoses or poisonings. There isn’t enough research to establish the benefits.

Here are a few of the uses with some supporting evidence for activated charcoal use:

  • Kidneys – may filter toxins and drugs from urea.
  • Intestinal Gas – may neutralize intestinal gas.
  • Diarrhea – may absorb gastrointestinal bacteria or drugs that cause diarrhea.
  • Oral Health – may absorb toxins in the mouth.
  • Water Filtration – removes toxins, drugs, viruses, fungus, bacteria, & chemicals.
  • Skin Infection – may absorb harmful microbes from soft tissue wounds.
  • Skin Care – May draw dust, dirt, toxins, chemicals, & bacteria to the surface.
  • Deodorant – absorbs smells & gases in underarm, shoes, & refrigerators. Moisture control as well.
  • Overdoses & Poisoning – absorbs drugs in the stomach but not all drugs or toxins (especially corrosive toxins or drugs– alcohols, lye, iron, lithium, & petroleum products). NOTE: must be given within 1-4 hours of toxic consumption, while toxin still in the stomach.

To sum it up, activated, food-grade charcoal may be taken in drinks or capsules if you need a “sponge” inside your stomach or intestines to absorb toxins. That’s it! Taking charcoal as a daily supplement or for weight loss is NOT the correct use. In fact, it may cause constipation (hence, why it’s good for diarrhea), nausea, vomiting, bowel blockage, loss of nutrients, malabsorption, and of course, black stools. Yes, if it is absorbing in your gut, it is absorbing the “good” minerals and nutrients too, rendering any food value void. If you are taking any medications, it will absorb those, rendering them ineffective.

Always take activated charcoal two-three hours prior to a meal to absorb toxins but not your food nutrients and two hours prior to medications.

          Final note: Only take charcoal in small amounts and use it as a tool, not a daily supplement.

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